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this has been a week full of disappointment. nothing big. just lots and lots of little disappointments and minor frustrations.

and really disgusting weather. what happened to spring? i guess we don't get one this year. we get a monsoon season followed by mosquitoes.

i can't even articulate how i'm feeling about my friends right now. i don't want to talk to any of them. i keep forgetting not to ask them to do things. because they never want to.

i couldn't get anyone to go out with me tonight. that's kind of sad. couldn't get my friends to hang out with me on a friday night. so i went out anyway thinking there'd be people there i know. i was wrong. it really sucked. i wasn't in the mood to hang out with people i don't know. that takes effort. energy i don't have. some stupid kid was wearing a light blue polo shirt with the collar turned up, ok? like he was from some horrible 80's movie. and there was no one to turn to and say "what the fuck's up with that?".

i don't think my air conditioner is working very well. it seems to be sucking. hard.


i hate this weather. i hate it. i hate it. i hate it. i hate it.

it occurred to me on the way to the metro today that i actively hate things now. every thing. i know it can be a verb, but i've turned it into an action. it's like the only exercise i get.

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