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i had one of those horrible dressing room experiences. one where the light is so bad that you can not only see every pimple and blemish you have, you can see every pimuple you've ever had...AS WELL AS ALL THE ZITS IN YOUR FUTURE.

it stops me in my tracks. and since i'm dark skinned, i have hyperpigmentation. it's deflating. it makes me feel like shit. would someone please explain why stores would have lighting that shitty?

on to other business...

i would like to state, for the record, that i'm not getting married. that said, i take no enjoyment in group conversations about weddings. conversations that last for hours. torture, ok? torture. next time that happens, i'm leaving.

i'm going to have some juice. and some vitamin E (better late than never) and maybe some benadryl. maybe.

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