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wow, i haven't written in here in forever! i almost forgot about you. i'm sorry, diary.

i'm still sick. yep. three weeks and counting. i'm going back to the doctor and i'm going to try not to tell her how she dropped the ball.

my brother got married. it was great. it was a lot of fun. i took it upon myself as a bridesmaid to get really drunk and flirt with all the boys. i think i did a great job considering my illness. i think i'm gonna flirt more often. you know, maybe once a week or so. to start.

that tormenting bartender is leaving. after this week i'll never see him again. talk about liberating. hopefully part of my brain will be liberated.

i'm trying not to feel like all i do is tread water. i'm trying not to think about money, especially while i'm spending it. that's not fun at all.

considering how sick i've been, i've been going out a lot. too much. but sitting around here is insanely boring. boredom is self-destructive.

the day after my last entry i lost my voice for several days. then some sort of snot bomb exploded in my head. i got a nasty cough. now i'm just a little snotty and a little coughy and my throat hurts on and off BUT i can't breathe. that's the sucky part.

this entry seems like a sucky part. but given time i'll get into the swing of things...

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