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i think i'm feeling better.

but i've been out. so i feel a litte worse for wear due to that. however, in general, i would say i'm doing better. i still need to see a doctor and implement some serious lifestyle changes. of course that won't happen. i'll just try to take it easy and not eat too much of what's bad for me.

i bought a blender. that's serious news. i hope my new blender and i will be very happy.

i didn't have any plans for the evening. no real plans. i took myself out for a drink and some (non starchy) food. and my friend asked me to meet up with her later. i wouldn't have done if this other girl hadn't mentioned that she'd seen my brother out last week. and i was reminded that i idolize both my brothers in that respect. they go out. a lot. one not so much any more what with the whole "settling down" thing. so that got me thinking that it runs in the family. and i should go. so i did. it was fun. i met this hot guy. i only mention it because he was hot, and that's rare. i'd seen him before. i've been told he gets a lot of girls and that he can be an ass. no surprise. still, something to look at. i gave him a nice firm handshake. he probably thinks i'm gay. i did just get my hair cut. and you know, women have to have hair to flick around and fuck with.

i love getting my hair cut. i LOVE the clippers.

well, i'm going to go to bed. i feel i deserve it after today.

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