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first entry of 2003.

i guess it's good that i've been busy lately. out of town. holiday stuff.

i had a really relaxing day today. i have to admit that it involved percocet.

i had some resolutions all planned out, but now they seem really tedious and not fun at all. fuck 'em. i reckon i'll just try not to eat out as much. maybe eat less bread. that sounds reasonable and doable. i can cook after all. we'll see how it works. did i go out to eat yesterday? no. did i go tonight? yes. i just get so bored sitting at home. how can i resolve to do anything if i'm so fucking bored all the time?

i switched long distance today!!!!! MCI is out of my life FOREVER!! that's something to be happy about. bastards.

i went to a wedding on new years eve. i probably looked better than i ever have in my entire life. well, maybe not, i had trouble with my make-up. still...i looked pretty fine. and...nothing

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