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it's cold and i'm sitting here. kind of bored. thinking i should just give up and go to bed.

it can't be healthy for me to be so consumed with hatred and contempt all day. nope. it can't. new year. new job.

i think some christmas decorations would cheer me the hell up.

i need to be good. or at leat feel like i'm being good.

and i think i'd better eat that last piece of apple pie.


blah blah blah.

i wrote a bitchy letter today. that felt good. i called my rental office sunday. no one checked the messages until today, tuesday. how is that acceptable? this girl just didn't seem to think she'd done anything wrong. she didn't understand that i was incredibly angry. that's bullshit. i don't care if she's nice to me or not as long as she does her job.

hence the letter.

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