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ok. so the night after my last entry i went out and got plastered. i'm not saying that's what people should do with themselves. far from it. people shouldn't have lives that drive them to drink.

however, i did have a really fun time. and i was not hungover on thanksgiving--which was great.

i'm gonna do something about that guy. i've got plan of action. but it has to wait a couple of weeks. it will involve cookies and a nice note and my phone number. i'm thinking of burning some cd's. maybe. if i were to give him one it'd just be full of songs that...well...you know. although who would think that planet of sound would make a person want to have sex?

anyway, i'm definitely going to do it. he should have been charging me $7 for those drinks. $3.75. i know at the very least he thinks i'm "special" in some kind of way. geez.

i'm pissed at the people in my rental office. but them i'm always pissed at them.

i'm trying to stay calm. i don't always manage it.

i resolve to be less twitchy in the new year.

i resolve to get more sleep.

no one's noticed my new glasses. i guess that means they look ok.

my eye doctor asked if i sleep with my eyes open. weird. i don't think i do. buy my eyeballs are dry.


watching 24. tony's about to get tough.

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