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i went out to dinner. i ate. a lot. but there's no point in feeling bad about it because what's done is done. and because it was very good. i almost went out after, thinking that i could tolerate being in a bar for an hour or so. then it hit me that i should just go with my gut and go home. it would have been one thing to go some place on that block, but to pile into a car and head to dupont would have just increased the burden and reduced my tolerance for the situation (exponentially). so i came home. here i am.

know your limits. that's my motto.

i'm still really tired. and i got at least 9 solid hours of sleep last night. that should have helped with my deficit. i'm probably just as tense in my sleep as i am when i'm awake.

i'm still really upset about thursday. and i'm sad. and i can't shake it. but then i'm not really trying.

i should go to target. that might help.

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