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great news. i need surgery. i'm so lucky.

my lunch made me totally ill. i don't feel bad about not exercising today because i'd say i lost at least 3 or 4 pounds this afternoon.

i brought work home, but my computer is giving off too much heat. alas.

great news. i'm still in love with a man who doesn't want me.

so should i pay some bills? i think i'd rather just go back to lying down. i should figure out what i'm going to wear to work tomorrow. tricky. i should try to figure out what i'm going to wear to this wedding this weekend. even more tricky.

speaking of tricky, i played that this afternoon. i think alaska will just have to remain a mystery to me. i just cannot seem to get myself where i want to go. not that i'm sure where that is. huh...just like my life.

great news. i'm a failure.

i'm going to try really hard to be asleep by 11:30. i woke up at 3 am and couldn't get back to sleep. third time in a week.

great news. i'm an insomniac.

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