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i didn't go to work today. good call.

so what have i done today? well, i made lasagne for the very first time. didn't even follow a recipe. i'm very impressed with myself. it's not the best i've ever had, but it's far from the worst. i hope it freezes well because i have no business having all that lasagne around.

haven't written to the boy in a couple of days. mostly because i haven't felt like myself. god only knows what i'd say to him. something like the truth, i suppose.

can't have that, now can we?? feel a little silly about it. i'll write tomorrow morning for sure. i'm wondering if i am in any way a part of his daily life. or if that's even possible from so far away.

i'm terrified that one day he'll say "you're like a sister to me"

he's making this diary so pathetic. i can go back years and look at old journals and see how they're filled with shit about some guy. fine, he's different. but i'm not different. that's the problem. I'm the problem.

supposed to check out a new bar tonight.

i hope my neighbors are enjoying miss polly jean. i am.

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