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woke up an hour early this morning from a truly unusual and disturbing dream. that meant that i woke up in a really awful mood. then some fuck was outside honking his horn. at 6:30. i know that must be illegal. the stupid icecream man can't even ring his bell where i live. but this jerks can wake up the entire complex every morning at the crack of dawn? it's not fair.

ok, so i dreamt i was in the boy's flat in edi and that girl from roswell was there which is really strange 'cause i've stopped watching it in favor of 24. there were tons of people. there was one point where the boy showed us all his penis. definitely the weirdest point of the dream. but at the end of it, he was rushing me and pissing me off and about to abandon me and i yelled at him. then i woke up. still feeling annoyed. genuinely so. about him in the dream and about him in real life. add to this the fact that i am pms-ing in a most pathetic way.

i don't feel my best today. i don't feel myself today.

work has been quiet, but that could change at any second. i need a new book. a new cd. a distraction. temporary but necessary.

i walked outside a while ago and a bus went by. it was covered with pictures of aborted fetuses and some hick was having his say over a loud speaker.


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