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I just fucking hate that my diary comes up on google. For the stupidest shit.

Someone searched "my fridge smells" and got my diary. I hate that. I can't say why.

Something else I hate: being lectured by someone who barely knows me about what's best for me and about what I should want and what should make me happy. I was told that I need a man who is my age or older. One with relationship experience under his belt. One with maturity. Fuck her. Do I have have relationship experience under my belt? No. Does the man with whom I am unnaturally obsessed (a term that will no doubt come up on google one day)?? YES. How dare she? Anyone as fucking lonely as miserable as she seems to be shouldn't be so fucking picky. If she wants to go around dismissing perfectly amazing me because they're too young for her, then fine. There are plenty of women not stupid enough to do that. And to make those assumptions about me. I was so offended. But I held it together. I made my case. She looked down. Sort of moved her head in a combo nodding shaking fashion which told me she didn't really believe me. Next time she does this, and there will be a next time, I will flat out tell her to kiss my ass. I can't be friends with someone like that, can I?

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