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so, so, so, so...

highlights of the weekend: seeing my brother. buying a duvet cover. it's tweed! it was only $50. we'll see if it works. we'll see if my room gets clean. doubtful.

best time to go to target: 8 am or 10 pm. not 5 pm on a sunday afternoon. could i be on drugs without realizing it?

still not sleeping well.

i wish i could stop thinking about that boy so much. because i get to the point where i'm just thinking the stupidest things. and i can't stop myself. i'll at least try to think about things that actually are. and not letting my imagination take over to my great detriment.

it's a shame i didn't do more in scotland. didn't see more. didn't get out of the city. i don't know if/when there will be a next time.

this boring entry is giving me a headache. and i've got scones baking. i'm going to bake those things until i can't stand them anymore. it's saving me money right now. and making me eat breakfast at home. i haven't gotten sick of all the stuff i've been buying. so i shall keep to this for now.

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