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i just read an article in the post about how bad the security is in dulles--out of which i will fly later this week. me and loads of other people.

the news just makes me sad so i should stop reading and watching it, shouldn't i? i wish i could. sometimes i manage it but not for very long

OH, I almost forgot...

i was just almost hit by a car. i mean, inches away from grievous bodily harm. several witnesses could attest to this. so this bitch almost knocks me over with her two ton automobile and i just kept walking 'cause if i looked at her i was going to lay into her. she drives along behind me looking to park and i am, of course saying some shit. so she pulls into her spot, rolls down her window and is all "did you say something to me" in a very confrontational way, and i turn and say "yeah! why don't you try to hit me again?!??!" and THEN, she's like " I SAID EXCUUUUUSE ME, HUSSIE!!!". Never having been called a hussie before and finding it utterly hilarious, I just yelled back " Whatever, lady" and got in my car.

i waited to see if she was going to walk over and then i was going to back out of my spot and run her ugly bitch ass over.

ho ho ho

valmont is on. i do so love me some colin firth.

i keep bracing myself for a disappointing trip. i mean, i keep bracing myself for him to do something or say something that i don't want to hear. like about some girl or something.

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