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i am about be ungrateful about thanksgiving. nice people. evil kids. mediocre food. not my relatives.

my family loves food. i come from a family where everyone can cook. even me when i feel like it. no one i was related to did the cooking yesterday. again, they were all very nice and welcoming and fun, except again for the devil child. but i kind of feel like i've missed out. and haven't really had a holiday. or the great meal.

screwed around today. paid 13 dollars for a deeply unsatisfying book. went to visit my brother. the bartender. some guys he doesn't like came right over, sat next to me and lit a couple of cigars. this total dick was like "oh, is this going to bother you? you're not about to eat are you?" I said "not any more." then he acted like he cared when really i'm sure he took emense pleasure in running me out of the bar. later, i was making a u-turn and this guy on a bike came out of nowhere. not following traffic laws. not wearing anything reflective. not lights ont he bike. so i almost hit him. and i feel i would have been completely within my rights if i had. he was asking for it.

i did get to hang with my brother today. that was fun. he knows more shit about more people. and has the best memory.

today was another disappointing food day. except for some soup.

tomorrow...i don't know about saturday.

weird mood. bizarre mood. i guess i'm just feeling unsatisfied in general. and i'm having trouble concentrating. while driving. which bothers me.

face is breaking out. that bothers me as well.

found the kick ass short cut on ssx. a UFO. a pain to get to because i'm not so great with the rails, but i think it's cool.

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