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the last couple of days have been very busy.

yesterday i met my parents. did some shopping. ran around and around. had dinner with the family. drove some more. stopped at several places on my way to a halloween party. apparently no one watches south park 'cause no one knew what my costume was. i got so tired explaining it. how could someone start watching southpark and then stop? mostly it was fun. i saw this guy i used to have a crush on. just a small one. he's dead sexy. mmmm...so i revived my crush for another couple of hours. just for old times sake. more drunken assholes. they're always fun. good party. good time.

today i went to a school dedication. a school named for my grandfather. it was nice and fun and cool. and amazing. i'm tired, but it's been a good weekend. all that shit friday was transitory. i watched all 5 hours of pride and prejudice and felt much much better.

i need a tall dark englishman. but not one like darcy 'cause i'm already like him.

my face is breaking out in a most unfortunate way.

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