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i hate my neighbors. they aren't the least bit neighborly.

today the man with whom i am obsessed recommended a book and asked me to write to his (little) brother. i find both things incredibly endearing. the book is about evolutionary psychology. i don't know anything about it. nothing about psychology, biology, sociobiology or genetics or any of that stuff. anyway the book is basically about sex. and as intellectual as it is, it bothers me that this man told me he thought i'd like this book about sex. yeah yeah sex AND natural selection and whatever. it doesn't bother me in that it annoys me, it bothers me in that 'hot and bothered' kind of way. i am after all rapidly approaching my sexual peak. i'm sure it's a good book. i'll probably read it. it'll be a nice change.

i did send a message to his brother. he'll probably think i'm a freak. but if i were a sixteen year old boy i'd be pretty happy that some 29 year old woman was sending me email. hopefully, he'll write back.

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