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NOW we have tornado bull shit to deal with. how many more of my childhood fears will rear their butt ugly heads???

so i'm in love, right. i'm totally enjoying it. i like having these non-selfish non-self-centered feelings for him. my stupid friends who like to project their own bullshit on me can just sit 'n spin. why do they have to try to bring me down or include me in their own misery??

shit. a tornado in south arlington. i'm going to unplugg this mofo right now...something tells me i'm going to lose power pretty soon. and i have to go back out. sheeeee-it.

i ran into someone i used to work with, he gave me a hug, then i reeked of his nasty cologne. ugh. i wash it off when i got home.

ok. gotta gotta run run. maybe i'll be back. hmmm...wind is picking up

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