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hi ya, diary.

another day to do nothing. but that's ok. i'm doing laundry. and that should count for something, even if it's something small.

i had dinner with a friend, which of course counts. but up until around 4 (which is when i took a shower) it was mostly a sit on ass day. could it be because i hadn't eaten or had any caffeine???? probably.

why does sharon think arafat can control the actions of every palestinian civilian?? oh wait, he doesn't think that. he knows it's impossible and that's why it's his condition for talks. i'm soooooo stupid. duh.

so it appears that i'm back to writing about my day to day bullshit in this diary. but i have a feeling it's just a lull. the eye of the storm maybe. i hope now.

today i caught myself sincerely questioning my belief in god. a first. but it passed. i'm still a devout agnostic.

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