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two entries in one day. it's been a while since i've done this. but i'm slightly exasperated.

i hate feeling like i have to explain myself to people i've known for over ten years. all my adult life. UGH. they should know me. they shouldn't question every opinion i have, but instead by knowing me they should have some small understanding of my feelings and my opinions. i can justify my opinions, no problem. but SHIT, believe me when i tell you something about myself. i don't understand why so many people don't take me or my feelings seriously. here i am after years and years and years of NOT expressing myself, trying as best i can to express myself in the face of incredulity from my own friends. am i not capable of expressing myself? i think i do ok. i guess they take what i say and filter it through their thick heads and their baggage and they can't understand where i'm coming from. i'm so fucking tired of it.

well, i officially give up.

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