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today i did fuck all. until around 4 when i started reading my new book, Interior Design. which stated how most people are unsatisfied with their surroundings even at home. so then i started to clean which is a monumental task. i've got bags full of clothes. another bag of t-shirts that will be cut into dust rags. just shit i've had forever. i have a very limited amount of closet space and i intend to purge until things fit. that's the plan. ihope it works. i have to be strong and just throw shit out. today i got rid of one of my favorite shirts ever. it was so hard. (sigh) i'll be doing laundry for a very very very long time.

so i got an email this morning from my cute boy. he'd been wondering why he hadn't heard from me. ironic. ironic and GOOD. i bet this week was the first time EVER that he'd opened his email and found there wasn't a message from me. i sent them, they just didn't get there. the word for today:

Main Entry: adore
Pronunciation: &-'dOr, -'dor
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): adored; ador�ing
Etymology: Middle English adouren, from Middle French adorer, from Latin adorare, from ad- + orare to speak, pray -- more at ORATION
Date: 14th century
1 : to worship or honor as a deity or as divine
2 : to regard with loving admiration and devotion
3 : to be extremely fond of

synonym see REVERE
- ador�er noun
- ador�ing�ly adverb

and in honor of that, i shall listen to the stone roses.

i hope i have an easier time with the cd's.

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