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what to do. what to do....

all i think about now is death and sex.

i continue to have the most fucked up dreams of my entire life. i wake up in the middle of the night and i either don't want to go back to sleep because of some dream OR i wake up and think about things and i keep myself awake.

i've hit the gloom and doom stage, i think. i was on the metro today and the train jerked like it had run over something. it definitely felt that way. we pulled into rosslyn, the doors opened and i saw a couple of officers running up the platform. i thought "should i get off? is this the point where i make some insanely stupid decision?". There there was some announcement about how something was broken. couldn't really hear it. it hate this. i hate it. downtown looks totally back to normal.

the dc politics hour really pissed me off today. plotkin (commentator) was talking about dc as the victim (and it is) and if he wants to use recent events to illustrate his points, then go ahead. people do it all day. BUT he was totally forgetting that what happened here, happened in va. and pissing on the burbs the whole time. i admit dc is fucked in so many ways. and he's a good advocate, but fuck him. really. fuck him. i'm an arlingtonian and he can blow me. we are all suffering around here, if he deigned to cross the river sometime, he'd see that.

work email is still down. and as much as i think there's some email out there from him just waiting to be read, it's just as likely that there isn't. still, i was all girlie and wrote from another account. i can't help myself.

HOWEVER, all i have to do to cheer up is read reviews for "Glitter". they're so funny. apparently, if it were any worse, it'd be funny. but it doesn't even manage that.

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