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well. it's sort of late and i'm most definitely tired. BUT i have to do this before i go to bed 'cause i've got 24 hours worth of bitchin' to do.

my faulty smoke detector started chirping at 5 fucking 30 AM.

Lost an hour of sleep.

Work...work...work...whiny boss...mundane tasks...hey, if you want to insert something into a document do you think maybe you'd click on "insert"? i think you would. my boss wouldn't.

i'm very stressed about money and went to a restaurant where they charge you $2.25 for steamed rice. the entrees are so fucking expensive and they still charge you for rice. don't get me wrong. i swear i don't mind paying if it's worth it. everyone knows that. it wasn't. the waitress was a BITCH. she kept pushing shit on us and forcing us to share expensive stuff. i wanted an appetizer to myself. WHY? 'cause i hadn't eaten all day AND i want what i want AND fuck me, I don't like to share. Fuck them, I shouldn't have to. God bless Julia Child 'cause she doesn't believe in that shit. Yeah, vindifuckingcation. anyway the waitress was all like "share share share" so everyone wanted a piece of my fucking 9 dollar (4) scrawny ass no good spring rolls. So i looked like some kind of greedy miserly fat girl. THEN i have steamed vegetables for $14.

AND everything had nuts or shell fish or mushrooms. There was nothing I could eat. Fuck. I hate it when food makes me mad. This made me mad. And I couldn't contain it. It was wrong. I'm totally going to make it up to my friend.

Ok. all for a good reason. Everyone had fun. And that bitch of a waitress gets 18%. I always tip 20, but she so didn't deserve it. She made me say the "c" word.

Got home at 11 had to clean out my kitchen 'cause just yesterday I found out that they're coming to spray.

nader was on the radio today. talking about al gore and his failings. apparently mr. nader has none. apparently his inability to get enough votes for federal funding was not his inability. not his fault at all. nothing is his fault. he talks about al gore's personality as if he, nader, actually has one. what a narcissisitc asshole. can't qualify for funding and can't get anyone to give him any money. nothing is his fault and he takes credit for everything. and no one called him on it. he even called the american voters stupid and incapable of voting with their conscious. what a way to gain my support.

hmm...what else...ok dinner conversation. "meeting people" "breaking up with people" "speed dating" "nice to be in a relationship" "don't like being alone" "so glad i don't have to date"

i piped up. i said "shit, can't i just be single? i'm sorry, is that NOT OK??"

Oh AND my friend found two abandoned pups today. where she lives people just dump their pets. and she loves animals so she won't rest until she finds homes for them.

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