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i'm really trying to work and all, but man, it is so boring. and my head hurts. i'm not just saying that. my head really hurts. i had coffee today, but i guess it wasn't enough.


i had a really bad dream last night. it was unusual for several reasons. first, it was right after i'd fallen asleep. second it was very detailed. normally places are slightly off when i dream about them or it's one or two places combined. like this apartment and my parents' house. anyway, i woke up about 12:30 feeling scared because of my dream. and because the setting for the dream was the room i was sleeping in. it was weird. it sucked. it was a while before i got back to sleep. then i woke up at 9 which was just too early. i wanted to sleep until 10. at least.

ok. i'm going to make a cup of tea. that should help. then it's back to the mindless tedium of weak statistics and boring financial practices.

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