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first let me say that i am a moron. the switch on my surge supressor was broken so i tried to fix it. WHILE IT WAS STILL PLUGGED IN. the things i just narrowly avoided include:

losing two fingers

burning up everything i own

discovering i don't have enough renter's insurance


i have gotten some work done today.

i also had some food that made me want to vomit. along with some really good food.

so now i'm going to try to work some more. do some laundry. try not to feel any more futile than normal.

it rained all day today. i didn't mind. it's been nice. and cool. i'm surprised i got any work done at all. the clouds are really zooming across the sky at the moment. days like today, and sundays in general always make me question my place in this world. not in the general sense, but in a very specific way. mostly i question my physical location. sunday. day of rest. resting from a lifestyle i want to escape. one that starts up in full force the next day.

my entries have been utterly depressing lately. lately? ha. that's a good one.

today someone expressed the idea that you can judge science fiction on the basis of plausibility. i hate that. it's not a pet peeve, it's a serious lapse of reason.

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