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i need to cut out these late dinners. period. i don't care if i'm bored or what. i can't be eating half a pizza at 9 pm. it doesn't matter that i go to bed late. i have to stop eating later in the day. if only i could get other people to go alone with me.

that's ok. i should just stop going out to eat. and sit home in the evenings with my ice-cream maker and my ps2. what more could i ever need?

i'm watching mr. roberts. quality entertainment. my favorite jack lemmon film.

today a bunch of kids left tons of trash outside my building. and they were setting things on fire. is that not cool or am i getting old? i don't like those kids. they are mean kids.

work today was a nightmare. a long boring tedious nightmare. tomorrow we'll have our weekly meeting and afterwards i'll send an email to my friend saying "i hate this job". i do that every week. like clock work.

i did have a good idea though about places to look for other jobs. monster is fine, but it is not the end all be all.

boring entry, huh? yeah...i know...

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