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dread. dread. dread.

i'm going to go to bed soon with the certain knowledge that when i wake up, i wake up to a shitty day.

part of me wanted to be alone this weekend. just because i knew that being out and about and with other people would be kind of a pain in the ass. but in doing so at this pre-menstral point in my life, i also knew i'd be risking feeling depressed, especially today. sunday.

i barely scraped by. so today i'm all pms-ing and pmdd-ing and tomorrow's entry is supposed to make sense? not bloody likely.

i feel like a moron. i'm having a "moment".

my head hurts.

so i saw a movie today. "the score" it was ok. it's just been so long since i saw a really great movie. i guess memento was the last great film i saw. it's like people make movies for the hell of it. and it's not like film making. it's like film designing. sad.

speaking of sad, i can't find my elastica cd. i need it if i'm going to get through the next week. the breeders have helped a lot.

i'm feeling super paranoid about my computer. i'm buying a new zip drive. tomorrow. do or die.

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