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well, i must say i am rather tired. work was very frustrating. meetings. i hate meetings. i hate working for people who just loooooove to meet. and they fed me really shitty food. also, i made a face while my boss was speaking and a lot of people saw me. lucky for me they thought it was funny.

i'm just another cog in the wheel. easy to replace. well, we'll see about that won't we?

i had dinner with my friend michelle. i got to vent. it was great. i proved my previous point about empathy. i needed to be around my own kind.

i want to write more, but i'm so full. and tired and dehydrated. i'm going to hit the plop plop and the fizz fizz and then i'm going to hit my bed. Hard. i have to prepare myself for another mind numbingly boring day tomorrow. i have to build up enough energy to pretend i don't hate it with every fiber of my being.

i started drinking 20 oz of coffee this week. yep, i up graded to the venti. after many years of grandes. and now i can feel all the wonderful things that got me hooked in the first place. i'm alert. and my appetite is sufficiently suppressed. it's bliss.

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