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damn, i am tired of dick button. it's been a lifetime. he needs to retire.

all sports commentators named dick. i don't like any of them.

i've had a long day. i should have a glass of wine. i think i need one.

there were a hell of a lot of people out shopping today. is there something about a war that makes people want to buy shoes? or maybe people realized how barbaric it is to sit home watching a war on tv, so they thought they'd do something civilized, like shoe shopping.

i watched the stepford wives last night. i'm not sure why. i realized that you could right a disseration on that movie, not on it's artistic merits, but more on it's value as social commentary. a woman's fear of losing herself and turning into a cooking, cleaning, fucking automaton. that's the obvious thing. but what i liked was the end. after the first black family moved into town. all the robot white women were walking around being robots and the black folks didn't even notice. that's the funny part. that's a whole other movie right there.

bad news: this freak that had been kicked out of my favorite bar for making some stupid racial remark was back in there. i didn't go in, but i saw him as i went by. i was so happy about not ever having to see him again. everyone was like "he won't be back". and how could he even show his face again? i don't want to have to deal with him, and he'll probably feel the need to apologize to me just because i'm black. even though i wasn't even around when he said what he said. i just pray he leaves me alone. i mean, i go there to relax. i refuse to give it up. i just do. the food is so damn good.

good news: none.

i heard something really good today. some saying about how christianity hasn't been tried and found wanting, but how it's been wanted but not tried. it was part of a discussion about theological writings on war.

oh well. too late now. much too late.

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