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well, i did it. i finally managed to burn a compilation cd with that shitty nero software. man. i've managed 4 cds in after several aborted attempts.

now i have three cds to mail to that boy far away. there are a few songs in the middle that are somewhat suggestive. he can think whatever he wants. i just hope he likes them.

he told me he thinks a i'm great. he knows i've got feelings for him. i feel like he's baiting me. teasing me. he's probably not, but i still find it frustrating. he wants to visit. he thinks i'm great. just when i feel like i'm over him. it's not nice.

i was with some friends and one of them was talking about her diary from 10 years ago and saying how it was all about boys. i had to admit that mine still is.

frankly, if i wrote about my job like i did when i first started this diary, there would be many many more angry entries.

right now i just want to bask in the glow of a sucessful burn...

and go to bed.

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