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my parents are weird and hilarious.

my computer is acting up. bad computer. BAD.

tomorrow if friday. god, help me. i just want to get through the next few days. i'll be ok. i've just got to get past this latest disappointment. i've got to keep my head on straight.

there are no men out there. i went from being interested in two down to zero. of course neither one of them likes me. their both insanely nice to me. but maybe it's out of pity. basically i've got no one to obsess about. which, i have to remind myself, is A GOOD THING. i should take this opportunity to organize my brain. or something. maybe learn how to not be obsessed with some lame punk ass mother fucker. ok, overly strong language, i admit.

but that's how i feel at the moment. i feel that language is warranted.

but what do i do with these hormones? now that is another matter.

actually, i'm happy right now. i'm going to have a niece. i'm very excited about it. very excited indeed.

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