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tap tap tap.

i just tried to watch that "fashion show" on cbs. but i couldn't tell if it was making me sick or making me hungry. so i turned it off.

i shoud be up the street having a vodka tonic. alone, of course. but here i am. alone. of course.

the other day i couldn't get my jar of tomato sauce open. i totally fucked up my dainty little wrist (and opposed the big hulking mass that is the rest of me). i was so hungry. i got really pissed. then i actually thought "if i had a boyfriend, i'd have someone around to open jars for me". that got me even more upset.

i got my sauce open eventually. and it was good.

i wish i had some benadryl. i wish percocet made me drowsy. i've got loads of that.

i saw attack of the clones on saturday at the imax theater. i thought it was at the space center. it wasn't. i hauled ass up there in the rain, and it was at natural history instead. it was good though. they cut 20 mintues. the worst 20 mintues. no biggie. did i say it was good? i meant it was fucking amazing. i'm going to go back.

i know i should write in here more often. if only for theraputic reasons. i'll try to be better about it.

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