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i got a lot done today. however, in the process, i seem to have undone the stuff i did yesterday. i am of course referring to my pathetic house keeping skills.

and even though i've done all this laundry and all this ironing, i have no clue what to wear to work tomorrow. i'll probably leave the decision until tomorrow, decide on something that's completely wrinkled and end up late to work anyway.

not that i want to go. i don't.

my feet are completely messed up. i had to buy orthodics. i hope they work. i guess the good news is that i have a legitimate excuse to sit on my ass. the bad news is that my exercise plans involve a lot of walking. gonna need new shoes.

i found some jeans. major accomplishment.

i didn't get depressed today. i didn't really feel down at all. also a major accomplishment. let's hear it for cleaning!!


i don't feel the least bit pre-menstral. i should enjoy this while it lasts.

alright, back to watching alias.

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