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i just worked on my web site for the first time in...oh, about a year. not that anyone looks at it. and yet i pay for it. fuck. one day....one day it will be great.

i reckon i should try to clean it up and get rid of all the absolute shit that's there. i find i don't have the software to do what i want. of course i also lack practical knowledge.

today was a nightmare. not one, but two excruciating meetings. i didn't have to do anything, but just sitting through them was like someone trying to shove something very sharp into the top of my skull. some moron took it upon himself to bring up the generally low morale among his peers. he, of course, is great and is happy. and of course new to the organization. but he's just noticing "from his perspective" that the rest of us want to kill ourselves. and he said all this in front of our immediate supervisors who then felt the need to bring it up later. as if i'd discuss it. i'd LOVE to go over the fat head of my boss. maybe i'll get the chance. actually, i have an open invitation to bitch about that freak to my vp.

i'm gonna make a list.

did i go out tonight. no, no i didn't. has there been any psychological damage? doubt it. work was so traumatic.

so traumatic that i had a salad for dinner. willingly. instead of something even remotely comforting. and when i opened up the salad dressing i'd selected i saw that it had separated and all the olive oil was at the top. i'm kind of allergic to it. i ate it anyway. see, for a normal person, salads and olive oil wouldn't be great! super. but for me it's borderline self-destructive.

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