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i'm dysphoric this week! lucky, lucky me.

there's nothing going on. seriously. nothing. i haven't been to careful about what i say to other people, but like i said, i'm dysphoric. nothing's come of it though.

oh, man, this girl pissed me off yesterday, name dropping about how she's friends with some famous people. like i fucking care. i don't think that's cool. not at all.

and i just wanted to smack her it's like she's permanently on e. i just want to poke a hole in her and see if she deflates. i'm sure that totally saccharine giggly girly shit is just a cover for something sinister. i hope for her sake that she grows out of it.

i feel totally sick. the air quality is...toxic.

this guy i like said "see ya, babe" to me the other day. now does that mean he thinks i'm a babe or was he just being friendly? i think he was just being friendly. i've already established that he's a little cheesy. whatever. it made me happy.

i've been having really bad dreams the last week. can't figure that out.

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