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here we are again. i've decided to try to enter something and hopefully i won't fuck it up like i usually do.

joseph touched me today. tee-hee.

work. i hate it. more every day.

my brain. turns to mush a little more every day.

i've found out that i a plaintiff in a class action suit. it happend years ago and i didn't even find out about it until a couple of weeks ago. i keep fantizing about money. shit, if it's a nickel, i will take it. i could use a nickel. or two.

i would like to make a list of all the reasons why i am seemingly undateable. but i figure i can't be objective.

but top on the list might be the hideous scars on my chest.

i love south park. i do, but fuckk they get preachy. i etg really really tired of it. they should give their audience a little more credit. AND i totally disagree with them tonight.

joseph touched me today. mmmmmmm.....i like having this stupid girly crush. it's fun. the fact that he's totally unattainable makes it ok.

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