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so i'm back from vacation, and the holidays are over. a new year and all that bull shit. so i'm sitting here in this bizarre state. nothing's going on. nothing to look forward to other than spending all my energy trying to keep my head together.

i just looked into taking a class. something i'm interested in but something that's also a huge drain of cash and energy. and it's in fucking georgetown which i fucking hate. and i'd have to miss classes because of work. ah, life would be so simple if i didn't have to work.

i guess i should put more energy into finding a new job. that seems like the most important thing. really important.

hmmm...here comes the post vacation depression...

i'll write about my trip later. it was good. things with him were better than expected, and i certainly hadn't expected much.

i'm in a muddle.

ok, ok, i'll suck it up! hold it together! i'll be good. i'll be fine. i'll be sane. i won't be sad. i won't be lonely.

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