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another truly bizarre dream. about sex. in a field. borderline orgy. this is so completely out of character for my subconscious. i can usually count on my two hands (probably one) the number of times i have a (good) dream about sex in a year. freaky bizarre uncomfortable ones, sure. good ones, never. if my mind is doing this, then my body must be in a very sorry state. which makes me slightly concerned about my trip. last time i saw him i was all pent up because of anxiety. know that he knows i like him, i guess i'm free to be pent up for other reasons. all i can say is i hope these hormones are oooooozing from my pores.

of course none of this would be as much of an issue if i could actually manage to have sex. however sometimes i'm glad i don't have to deal with all that.

anyway, like i said, i'm concerned. i think him of so much. it can't be healthy.

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