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this weekend i will do my part to BOLSTER CONSUMER CONFIDENCE!!! i'm going to spend money. i don't need any durable goods, but i'm going to shopping for something. damn it. and i'm completely serious about this. we need to keep spending money. we have to keep this economy working.

got to come home early today 'cause there was a bomb threat next door. K St was full of emergency vehicles although i have a feeling those things were unrelated. it was odd. there have definitely been moments when i was eager to get out of dc, but this was different. orange was delayed so i got on a blue and walked from rosslyn. i think if evens out if i consider how long i might have waited on the platform for an orange line train.

i have been spilling my guts to the guy with whom i have an unhealthy obsession. just going on about all the stuff i've seen here and how i feel. it's incredibly ironic. i can't even tell him how i feel about him. how i really feel. i should. life's too short. he's been great though. perfect, really. i honestly feel so much better when i hear from him.

i felt guilty for listening to the beastie boys this morning. i danced a little. then i thought "why are you dancing? hear those helicopters outside?" it's silly, but damn. it's impossible to gauge my feelings.

i was feeling guilty for not watching the news. but there hasn't been any news so i cut that right out.

i am lucky. i am ok. i am going to go drop $50 at amazon.

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