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um...went to a tennis tournament tonight. just got home a little while ago. it was mostly a lot of fun. the agassi match was good, but all these ladies in front of us kept talking and pointing to steffi graf. it was annoying. i kept thinking 'why did you come?'

i don't have the energy to write about work. and if i don't go to bed soon i won't have the energy to get through another crappy day. i'm really in for it the next couple of days. the thing i hate more than anything is doing a mailing. some people see it as a chance for us to bond and i'm thinking, can't i just sit in my office and stuff envelopes without staring at/listening to people that get on my very raw nerves? more opportunity for my boss to tell me things about me that aren't true and try to force feed me and make me grateful for free shitty food. and something new: forced to listen to bad music. on casset.

i was in so much pain at work today. i could barely use my hand. it doesn't matter how well the desk is set up or whatever as long as i'm doing all that repetitive shit.

i'm trapped in an office job. i'm a cliche.

if i don't eat something, i won't be able to sleep so i suppose i should do that.

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