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i was visibly disgusted at work today. a new coworker needed some information for someone. and shit, you know what? he's not all that new anymore. that fucking excuse is bull shit now. it was a question about something he really needs to learn. and i told him so. i told him where the information was and he sent it off. the person called him back with questions. he claimed he didn't understand it. so he went to our boss. probably thinking that she'd just take care of it for him. no such luck. SHE TOLD HIM TO TELL ME TO DO IT. so he came back to my office. he couldn't even tell me what the person's question was. i couldn't believe it. that shit was self explanatory. i could not contain how annoyed i was. especially after he said our boss said for me to handle it. i was like "that customer didn't even read what you sent" and then i said to him "did you even read it?"

fuck no, he didn't read it. what complete bullshit. then he started whining about how he didn't know anything about that project and i was thinking what a great fucking time to learn. i guess no one else saw it that way.

he's probably pissed at me. don't care. i answer all his stupid fucking questions every day. he said he'd forward the message to me. he doesn't know how to work voicemail. i didn't get the message.

message? what message??

and i just know he's making more than i am.

FUCK!!!!! I hate my job so much. I'm looking. I'm not finding.

the girl across from me was listening to me talk to a friend of mine on the phone. after i was done she came over to ask me about my conversation. granted i was a little loud 'cause i was talking about radiohead and the flooding and the driving. i was annoyed. but that's not an invitation. and she was just looking for a way to talk about her own weekend. i so don't care.

every time by boss walks by my office, i cringe and my middle finger automatically jumps up. and why the fuck do people have to look at you when they walk by. sometimes, sure but every damn time??

Oh, one last thing. our calendars have to be open to everyone. given that, would you put all you icky personal medical stuff in there? N A S T Y.

oh shit. today's monday isn't it?? oops. I'll do a special second entry...

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