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i just relaxed my hair. but wait, i'm not done yet! i've still got more shit to do to it. i'm tired. i'm so glad i have to get up early to get my hair cut.

i put in my contacts for a while. everything looks bigger. my hands. my computer. my ass looks MUCH bigger. my phone. my mouse. i just kept staring at everything thinking how huge it was. even given that it's all relative, which is true? the contacts vision or the glasses vision??? i need to know. i'll never be able to comfortably go from contacts to glasses and back ever again. at least not until i lose some weight.

we were in a meeting today. and talking about the weather. how fucking mudane. my boss looks right at me and says 'but you like the heat' and i looked at her like she was on crack and said 'i don't know where you heard that, it's not true'. i absolutely hate the way she just thinks things about me that aren't true. this example seems insignificant, but it's a constant and extremely annoying occurance--having someone jump to conclusions about you all the time. i hate it. i'm so tired of it. ESPECIALLY being told what i like and what i don't like by someone WHO DOESN'T KNOW ME.


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