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Well, today certainly was Monday. I�ve decided to have my kava kava tea every afternoon. Maybe even two cups. We�ll see. I don�t like spending the entire day all scrunched up.

I�m supposed to see Robyn Hitchcock tonight. We might be able to sit at the bar in the restaurant instead of paying a cover to get in the club. I have to remember to set my VCR for Roswell. Actually, let me do that now�


Clarendon Day was mostly really fun. I became irate in the Urban Design Tent. Apparently, the people who live around here don�t think I should be able to afford to live here myself. They are insane. They want to live in an urban village but don�t realize that we already do. I guess we won�t qualify until we have a Crate �n Barrel. I�d better stop. I�m getting pissed.

I did get some free beer. And I got a button that says I�m black. Oops, that says I�m African American. It also says that I�m voting for Al Gore, but I like the African American part. It�s almost like I�m getting in touch with my roots. The Republicans were so outnumbered that they had to walk around with huge signs looking especially smug. I painted a Christmas ornament. A black hole. A dark vortex sucking in all matter and energy around it. My own decorative spatial anomaly. That will look nice on the tree this year. What else?�I had some ice-cream. I heard some good music. I got a tan. I was amazed at what passes for antiques. I was obnoxious.

Later that night I had more free beer and continued to be obnoxious.

I�m tired of seeing cute boys I can�t have.

I was up until 1:30 AM watching Half Baked. Underrated Film. I love Harlan Williams. I want to marry him.

Sunday was an exercise in staying sane. Did you know that Home Depot does not have vacuum cleaner belts? It took me a while to figure that out. Then I went to Best Buy and POW! There they were. I got very dirty trying to put the damn thing on. I�m not very strong. I did a lot of cleaning. A lot. Not enough.

Damn, where are all the witty things I thought I was going to write?

Two hours later...

The plan worked! I was able to hear Robyn Hitchcock and enjoy a nice meal at the same time. I couldn't hear him talk between songs, but I had a swell time. I had a bacon cheeseburger. I couldn't help myself. My appetite has been emense lately. Sublimation? Probably.

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