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regardless of whatever horrible things i do to myself from now on, I HAVE GOT TO GET MORE SLEEP.

and food. don't even get me started on food.

i wish it were joe mute instead of joe millionaire. my friend was telling me how offended she was by the whole thing and i replied that it wasn't any less offensive than ally mcbeal.

something strange happened today. a few things actually. i seem to be on an absentminded bender. i predict it will not end well.

also every total stranger i met today was really super friendly and not in a creepy sort of way.

i have no will power. let's see...what do i have in abundance that i could trade in for will power???? tough question. not one i could answer before the end of the world--which is suspect will be soon the way things are going.

nighmares. been having those. traditional kind of nightmares. very odd. horror movie nightmares. i don't even watch horror movies.

adventures in babysitting is on. i LOVE this movie. love it.

i don't think i'll be able to stay awake for 24. i'll be good and get ready for bed now. disc i pline.

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