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just lost a great entry. god damn backspace button. i should know better.

i was just telling this great story about how no one caught the bouquet at this wedding i went to yesterday. it hit the floor.

as it should have.

just saw elvis costello.

amazing. and the newer stuff sounded better than the older stuff because all the old people kept ruining the older stuff with their idiotic behavior. i shall name my first born after him.

haven't heard from that boy. that's ok. i'll give him another week.

saw a bald eagle yesterday. in the wild. don't see that every day.

i don't like weddings. i don't like churches, especially when the guy in the church is going on and on about creation when creation apparently isn't good enough when your looking for a place to hold a ceremony. did you know that women were created from a man for men? yeah, really, it's true. and since i'm a single woman, i'm at the bottom. barely human. if i'm not married to a man, and i'm not married to god, i'm just a waste of space.

church is great.

i just kept looking at the trees outside and thinking, "there's god. out there"

anger is good.

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