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ok, let me start by writing that i don't mean to be so boring and depressing. i want to be witty and interestin and insigthful and whatever. i don't want to be what i am at the moment which is sick.

i think i might be anemic. that would explain part of why i feel so awful today. that would explain why i have no energy, can't concentrate and feel like i'm going to pass out.

my hormones might explain why i felt like crying (and did) on the way home from work. christ, i feel so pathetic. i thought that since it's such a beautiful evening i would sit outside for a few minutes instead of walking straight home. and i did. i sat and listened to nice music and watched the breeze blow the trees around (thereby making my allergies worse) and watching the lights on the trees twinkle and what not. i'll admit i've been sad lately and that my hormones are totally fucking with me. i just hope that's what it is and that it won't last too long. but just sitting there i had one of those moments where i feel all of the empty space around me. and instead of a nice breeze it was like the entire atmosphere of the planet was blowing by.

ok. now i have to go chemically process my hair. i'll try really hard not to fuck it up.

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