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Main Entry: in�dig�na�tion

Pronunciation: "in-dig-'nA-sh&n

Function: noun

Date: 14th century

: anger aroused by something unjust, unworthy, or mean

i'm just disgusted by everything and everyone today.

ok, my boss mostly. my job is not the least bit stressful. working for that monster is killing me. today she tried to get me to do total shit work for another fucking department. i was like "let them do their own shit work". i didn't put it that way exactly.

heard a story on npr about gen-x cynicism and about how we're too old to bring about any cultural change and blah blah blah.....if we're so unaccomplished and boring and cynical and whatnot then why so many annoying news comentaries?? just leave us alone and let us go about our business.

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