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allergies. woe is me.

today i bought tenacious d for a friend. i think he'll like it. i hope so. i also hope he doesn't think i'm trying to buy his affections or anything.

i feel so fucking lazy. and i have so much crap to do. so very much shit.

those assholes did not come to replace my windshield today so i have an inspection rejection to look forward to tomorrow. right right RIGHT, it's may fault for waiting until the end of the month. whatever.

so now i have to perform some complicated chemical process to my hair when i'd really just like to go to bed. i'm sure i won't damage my scalp too much.

modest mouse is sold out both nights. shit. i wanted to go so damn much. oh well. i will get over it. actually, i am over it.

i'm trying to stay focused and keep things in perspective.

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