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i'm watching "beach blanket bingo". this is what i've been driven to. i won't go into a critique of the media right now. it's not the time for it. but right now i'm very happy watching frankie and annette running around singin' and surfin' and what not.

busy day. much money was spent on wool products.

i went to carpool this evening. which can be pretty subdued on a saturday night. the beer's always good. the food is good, so why not go to carpool? anyway, just as i was leaving i was introduced to someone. i gave him a nice firm handshake and he said "your hands are so warm."

"i'm warm all over", i replied.

he said "don't tease me".

he wasn't gorgeous or anything, but he was cute with a really nice smile. that was fun. i needed that.

i've been mentally compiling a list of people with whom i should not discuss current events. i'll admit that it's partly 'cause i disagree with them. also 'cause i don't like their attitude. if you're all doom and gloom then stay the fuck away from me. and these are the people willing to bring a child into this world.

i honestly think my degree in economics comes into play in these situations. and it's not about money, it's about rationality and utility and RATIONAL EXPECTATIONS. in addition to the black and white and gray of right vs. wrong. and it's about all the years i've spent in front of the tv and being able to wade throught all the shit. i know i'm not making sense here, but if i'm going to get through this there are certain beliefs to which i much cling. and AND certain rational expectations that i MUST have. [wow, i really sound like ben kenobi there!]

i'm going to stop here 'cause i'm about to get in to some serious social science theory and max weber 'n shit, and i've had a few. i'm not in school any more and this isn't a term paper. i'm just going to shut up.

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