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I'm still sick. I'm in the middle of the worst break out of my life. At twenty-nine. So much for the pill clearing up my face. Of course I feel fat. Which is because I'm fucking huge.

But that's ok. If I continue to be sick, I won't be able to eat any food anyway.

I have to go shopping tomorrow to find something to wear to a wedding to which i'm not allowed to bring a date and at which there will not be any single men. maybe i should just look like shit and then people won't think, 'terri's so pretty why doesn't she have a boyfriend?' they'll ask that because it will be so obvious that i don't have one since i won't be there with a date.

not that i could get one anyway.

i'm not looking forward to trying to find something to wear. i'm sure i'll see lots of stuff i like and that i'm totally incapable of wearing. so, yeah, tomorrow should be a nice frustrating day.

i was thinking earlier that i could just tell THAT guy exactly how i feel about him. he'd reject me--unequivocally. then i'll become deeply depressed and lose...hmmm...at least 10 pounds. probably more.

i love farscape. it makes friday nights bearable.

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